Tagged again...

4 min read

Deviation Actions

Hoenn-Master's avatar
01. You must post these rules.
02. Each person must post 10 things about themselves on their journal.
03. Answer the questions the tagger set for you, and create ten (10) new questions for the people you tag to answer.
04. You have to choose 10 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
05. Go to their pages and tell them you have tagged her/him.
06. No tag backs.
07. Nothing in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you're reading this." You have to tag 10 people.

My Questions:

1. What's the most dangerous thing you've ever done?

Hmm... I once went deep into some ice caves, where it was really cramped and dark to see some ancient American Indian cave paintings.

2. What is one thing would you love to accomplish in your life?

To fly a Republic P-47 Thunderbolt. I've always wanted to experience what WWII pilots did.

3. Do you play a musical instrument? If so, which one?

I play the Colonial Tin flute with mediocre skill.

4. Do you drink coffee?

I like the occasional Mocha when I need a jolt, or if I want to relieve stress with a hot beverage that's stronger than Hot Chocolate.

5. Do you spend more time playing your favorite video games, or do you spend more time writing/making art about it?

Actually, it's kind of 50/50 for me.

6. Who do you believe is the most undervalued NPC in Skyrim?

Maybe "the-Redguard-whose-name-I-can't-remember-who-serves-at-the-Bannered-Mare"? I've never played Skyrim for real, so I can't be sure...

7. What was your favorite show growing up?

The Original Yu-Gi-Oh. Man, I had some good memories of that show. Good thing it's back on T.V.!

8. How many countries have you been to and which was your favorite to visit?

Two so far: U.S.A. and the Bahamas. Obviously, I love the U.S.A.'s sights more than the warmth of the Caribbean.

9. Do you know how to fire/care for a gun?


10. Aliens have landed and they want to take you, alone, to their world. You have no idea what it'll be like there and you will never be allowed to set foot on earth again. Do you go with them?

I have too much to live for here on Earth to do that. If I were more desperate, then maybe.

10 Random facts:

1. I am a large fan of reading

2. I physically scar easily.

3. I'm an amateur historian of Medieval weapons and techniques for battle, and for World War Two. (very different, I know)

4. I have a *very* basic knowledge of Latin.

5. I prefer to sit in my room and read/play around rather than sitting outside for long periods.

6. I am good at Chess, Stratego, and other strategy games that involve careful planning.

7. I have a large collection of books I've never read (but am trying to read once my school reading is complete)

8. I'm left-handed.

9. I know how to melee in a fight.

10. I know how to lead people in the heat of the moment.

I can't tag 10 people, but I can certainly post my friends!





My 10 questions:

1. What is you favorite type of game? Video Games, Board Games, etc.

2. Have you ever tried something you knew you were going to regret, but did it anyway?

3. Ever think you were going to best someone at something, only to be bested by that person?

4. Call of Duty or Battlefield?

5. All out assault, or tactical advance?

6. Has your best friend ever done something so stupid you just want to punch him in the face, but then you realize that you did it too?

7. Ever fail so utterly that you can brag about it?

8. Analogue Clock or Digital?

9. Have you ever actually listened to old men talk all day?

10. What's your favorite fandom?
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